Layered windows in modern vehicles date back to the 1930s. This design prevents glass from shattering into countless pieces upon impact. Instead, the window remains intact, thanks to a thin layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) in between two layers of glass. This technology significantly reduces the risk of injury from sharp glass fragments for drivers and passengers.

However, dealing with a broken car windshield or window remains hazardous. It can result in injury, which is why it is crucial to have a professional promptly remove and replace your damaged car window or windshield.

In such an incident, enlisting the assistance of an auto glass repair and replacement provider will expedite the resolution of your issue.

Steps to Follow 

Ensuring your safety takes precedence when your car windshield or window shatters. Read on to learn about some steps to prevent additional complications or injuries.

Contact the Police

The two primary causes of broken car windshields or windows are automobile accidents and vandalism. In either scenario, it is imperative to contact the police, as both require examination and appropriate action in accordance with the law.

Refrain from touching anything until the police arrive. Important clues pertaining to the incident may be concealed in your vehicle, thus necessitating the police to conduct the initial inspection of the scene.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Once you have identified the cause of your car window breakage, it is advisable to contact your insurance provider. If your car insurance policy includes coverage for broken windows, they will require an understanding of the incident to facilitate the filing of a claim.

Remove the Broken Glass Pieces

While the likelihood of glass fragments scattering extensively is minimal due to the layered window glass design, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the vehicle’s interior and exterior using a vacuum cleaner or broom.

Place a Cover Over the Broken Window

Driving with a covered window is not advisable, but it serves as a temporary measure to shield your vehicle from rain or debris.

If you do not have access to crash wrap, you can make the cover yourself with tape, a plastic bag, or any other suitable material you have on hand. Exercise caution to avoid causing injury to yourself while performing this task.

Get Your Car Windshield or Window Replaced 

Because driving with a broken windshield or window poses a hazard, prompt replacement is strongly advised.

Car Window Replacement In Indianapolis and Across Indiana

Sentry Glass Inc. is a leading auto and semi-truck glass repair and replacement company in Carmel, Indiana. Our woman-owned company has been offering superior windshield and window glass repairs and replacements for cars and semi-trucks throughout Indiana since 1991. At Sentry Glass Inc., our aim is to deliver service that exceeds your expectations. Contact us for a free quote or to schedule your repair or replacement at 317-577-8147 or today!